Noise Phobia in Dogs

Noise anxiety in dogs is quite common and maybe not surprisingly. Because our four-legged friends not only hear better than us, they also hear sounds that we humans cannot hear. 

Calm dog with noise phobia thanks to maxxicalm non drowsy calming tablets for dogs
Noise phobia in dogs can be treated but it requires determination and patience but happy calm dogs makes it all worth the effort

What is Noise Phobia In Dogs And What Can You Do About It?

Dogs have very acute hearing. Their hearing range is around 67 – 45,000 Hz, compared to 64 – 23,000 Hz for humans. This means dogs can hear higher pitched sound than we humans can. They can also hear about 4 times the distance. It is therefore not that strange that most dogs do not like loud noises, e.g. from fireworks, thunderstorms, or shooting.

Your dog is likely to experience some loud noises during his lifetime, so it is important to help him to get used them. The sooner you start the better, as the problem is likely to escalate over time if not dealt with early on. Fear of loud noises can develop into noise phobia, which can be very difficult to deal with.

But first....

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What is Noise Phobia in Dogs?

"Noise phobia is an excessive fear of a sound that results in the dog attempting to avoid or escape from the sound. It's an irrational, intense and persistent fear response that can develop at any age and in any dog breed."

AKC Canine Health Foundation

How To Help Your Dog Cope Better with Loud Noises


The Signs of Noise Phobia in Dogs

It is usually easy to recognize when our dogs are afraid of something. Dogs suffering from noise phobia tend to show more signs of fear and their responses tend to be more intense. Not all dogs show the same signs of noise phobia but common signs include:

- Shaking or trembling

- Pacing or restlessness

- Heavy panting

- Excessive salivation

- Dilated pupils

- Hiding

- Seeking the owner

- Fear position (tail tucked, ears back)

- Stress related vocalizations (barking, whining, howling)

- Trying to escape (running blindly, digging)

- Destructive behaviour (chewing or scratching)

- Self-mutilation (nervous chewing or licking)

- Urinating

- Defecating

- Anal gland discharge

- Excessive yawning

- Not eating

- Not listening to commands

What Triggers Noise Phobia in Dogs?

Dog fear of noise may be triggered by bad experience of certain noise but usually there is no recognizable trigger. Certain breeds seem to be more at risk of developing noise phobias, e.g. Collies, German Shepherds, and Beagles. Dogs with other fearful behaviour, like separation anxiety, are also more likely to develop noise phobia.

The owner can play part in the intensity of the fear. For example, if the owner is afraid in thunderstorm, then it can intensify his dogs fear. And if the owner tries to comfort the dog, he may accidentally be reinforcing the fear. As the dog may interpret it as confirmation that there is something to be afraid of.

Dogs do not "get over it" with time and enough exposure. Actually, noise phobia in dogs usually gets worse with time if left untreated. The dog may become fearful of things he associates with the noise. For example, if he is afraid of thunderstorms, he may also become afraid of rain. Or if he is afraid of gunshots, he may become afraid of the sight of a gun.

Noise phobia in dogs needs to be treated. It may never be fully resolved (cured) but it many cases the fear of noise can be managed effectively.

Dog suffering from noise phobia using maxxicalm calming aid for dogs

What Can You Do About Your Dog Fear of Noise?

There are three main types of treatments for noise phobia in dogs, i.e. changes in the dog's environment, behaviour therapy and medication. Often more than one, or all treatments, are carried out together.

Changes in The Dog's Environment

This is about making changes in the environment that can help the dog to cope better with his fear. This includes creating a safe enclosed area for your dog, e.g. crate covered with a blanket for added feeling of security. It is also good to damper the noise level anyway you can, e.g. with heavy curtains. Sound, e.g. from TV or radio, can also help to reduce the external noise.

Extra exercise and feeding the dog before the storm / firework display starts is also recommended. Distracting the dog with new toy or favorite treat can help too.

Furthermore, it is important to keep the atmosphere calm and not over comfort your dog, as this can make the situation worse on the long run (reinforce the dogs fear).

Doing small changes like this can work well for many dogs, especially if used in collaboration with good quality calming aid for dogs.

Dog Behaviour Modification Techniques

There are special techniques that can change the dog's response to the noise. Behaviour therapy requires commitment from the dog owner, but it can really work wonders for many dogs. Systematic desensitization and counter-conditioning are the most common treatments for canine anxiety, phobias, fear, and aggression, or any behavioural problem that involves arousal or emotional reaction.

Counter-conditioning involves teaching the dog to feel and react pleasantly to something he once feared or disliked. This is done by associating the feared thing with something pleasurable for the dog. For example, by giving the dog his favourite treat or toy as soon as he hears the first firework go off.

While desensitization involves a gradual process of exposing the dog to a less intense version of the noise he fears, in such a way that his fear isn’t triggered. Basically, the dog is taught to be calm when the noise level is low and then the noise level is gradually increased until the dog doesn't show any fear of the noise.

Dog Noise Phobia Medication vs.  Natural Calming Aid for Noise Anxiety In Dogs

In the most severe cases, dog anxiety medication may be prescribed. Drugs can be given for special events, like Fourth of July fireworks, or when big storm has been forecasted. In other cases medication may be required for a time period, e.g. during the thunderstorm season.

Prescribed drugs for dogs include Alprazolam, Amitriptyline, Buspirone, Diazepam (Valium) and Fluoxetine (Prozac), i.e. drugs to treat depression, anxiety, and panic disorders. Medication for dogs does include some side effects, sometimes quite severe. Many dog owners therefore see dog anxiety medication as the last resort.

Natural calming aid supplements, like maxxicalm, and pheromone diffusers have no side effects and may benefit dogs with mild or moderate noise phobia, and even those with severe phobia if used in connection with other treatment options.

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Balance your dog’s behavior from the inside

As dog owners, we know which situations upset our dogs. For some it’s being left alone, for others it’s trips to the vet, thunderstorms, or unexpected visitors. Whether it’s part of their nature or an understandable reaction to difficult life circumstances, such as rescue dogs that were previously abused, maxxicalm can be an integral part of helping you create more balanced behavior in your dog.

Read more


  • Helps anxious and nervous dogs relax during stressful situations
  • Integral part of a behavior modification program to create balance
  • Relaxation without drowsiness
Small dog using maxxicalm calming tablets for dogs to help her relax during firework displays

Great product

"Have tried my dog Holly on these. In the past whenever fireworks were going off she would pull back towards the house instead of having a wee on the grass verge. She has been on these over the weekend and bonfire night she actually went out on a lead when fireworks were going off in the distance, it didn't frighten her at all. In the house over the weekend, she slept without problem. Would definitely recommend these to other dog lovers. Best product I ever got. Xxx" 

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"You got to find the dose that works best for your dog. We've give twice the recommended amount to our crazy bulldog this stuff works. Also got 110 lb german shepherd scared of his own shadow.

This calms him down in storms fireworks or if he's just having a bad day" 

How effective noise phobia therapy for dogs is depends on various factors. Firstly, how severe the phobia is and for how long it has it been going on. Then it can matter if the phobia is ongoing, seasonal, or unpredictable. Last but not least, the amount of time the owner is willing to commit to the treatment does affect if and how effective dog behaviour modification techniques work. 

The Most Common Noise Phobias in Dogs

The most common noise phobias in dogs are fear of thunderstorms or fireworks. Fear of gunshots is also quite common in certain areas. Less common phobias include the sound of certain birds and other loud noises.

You can find practical tips for helping your dog deal with his fear of fireworks and thunderstorms. However, if your dog suffers from severe case of noise phobia, then you should seek professional advice. 


Free Dogs & Firework Checklist from maxxipaws
Dogs & Firework Checklist

Fireworks are scary and stressful for most animals. Record number of dogs go missing every year during firework displays. 

Our checklist will help you to prepare your dog for night of firework displays. The sooner you start preparing your pet the better.

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